Search by Common Name
Here is an alphabetical list of the plants by their common name:
- American Beautyberry
- American Wisteria
- Anthony Walter Spiraea
- Bald Cypress
- Banana
- Bermuda Grass
- Blackeyed Susan
- Cabbage Palm
- Camellia
- Carissa, Chinese, and Robin Holly
- Cast Iron Plant
- Centipede Grass
- Chaste Tree
- Chinese Fringeflower
- Chinese Juniper
- Confederate Jasmine
- Crab Apple
- Crepe Myrtle
- Crimson Bottlebrush
- Daylily
- Dogwood
- Drake Elm
- Drift Rose
- Flame Azalea
- Formosa Azalea
- Fountain Grass
- French Hydrangea
- Fringe Tree
- Giant Taro
- Ginkgo
- Heather
- Indian Hawthorn
- Indica Azalea
- Japanese Cleyera
- Japanese Magnolia
- Japanese Maple
- Knock Out Rose
- Lily of the Nile
- Liriope
- Live Oak
- Longleaf Pine
- Loquat
- Maiden Grass
- Mondo Grass
- Muhly Grass
- Nellie R. Stevens Holly
- Nuttall Oak
- Oakleaf Hydrangea
- Pampas Grass
- Parson's Juniper
- Pittosporum
- Purple Coneflower
- Red Buckeye
- Red Cedar
- Red Tip
- Redbud
- River Birch
- Rosemary
- Sago Palm
- Sandankwa Viburnum
- Savannah Holly
- Saw Palmetto
- Scarlet Firethorn
- Shore Juniper
- Society Garlic
- Southern Magnolia
- Southern Sugar Maple
- Spanish Moss
- Star Anise
- Swamp Chestnut Oak
- Sweetgum
- Sycamore
- Tea Olive
- Tulip Poplar
- Two-winged Silverbell
- Walter's Viburnum
- Wax Myrtle
- White African Iris
- Yaupon Holly
- Yeddo Hawthorn
- Yellow African Iris
- Yew Podocarpus
- Zamia
- Zebra Grass
Department of Biology
Room 2035, 2nd Floor
Bailey Science Building -
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta, GA 31698 - Phone: 229.333.5759
- Fax: 229.245.6585
Monday - Thursday
8:00AM until 5:30PM
8:00AM until 3:00PM
Saturday - Sunday
Office Closed