Longleaf Pine
Pinus palustris
(Photo by Marcel Smith)
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Taxonomy (1)
Classification: Gymnosperm
Family: Pinaceae
Common name: Longleaf pine, Southern yellow pine, Heart pine, Southern pine
General Information (1,2,3)
Region of Origin: United States
USDA Plants Hardiness Zones: 7-10
Growth Habit: Tree
- Size: 100 feet tall
- Deciduous/Evergreen: Evergreen
Diagnostic Characteristics
Leaves (3)
- Shape: Needle
- Other: Occur in bundles of three
(Photo by Marcel Smith)
(Photo by Marcel Smith)
Seed cone (1)
- Size: 5-10 inches long
(Photo by Marcel Smith)
Horticultural Information (1,3)
- Light: Full sun
- Soil type: Sandy
- pH: 6-7
Interesting Facts (1,2)
- Longleaf pine trees can live for more than 200 years old.
- Early life stages Longleaf pine trees resemble a clump of grass.
- Longleaf pine is grown more for its wood and gum than for its use in the landscape.
- Fire resistant
1) Christman, S. (2003). Pinus palustris. Floridata. April 2, 2013, from http://www.floridata.com/ref/p/pinu_pal.cfm.
2) Dirr, M. (1998). Manual of woody landscape plants: Their identification, ornamental characteristics, culture, propagation and uses (5th ed.). Champaign, Ill.: Stipes Pub. Print.
3) (n.d). Longleaf Pine (Palustris). Gardenguides. April 2, 2013, from http://www.gardenguides.com/taxonomy/longleaf-pine-pinus-palustris/.
Edited by Jessica Bartek
Department of Biology
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