Yaupon Holly
Ilex vomitoria
[Dwarf variety on the right]
(Photos by Jessica Gomez)
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Taxonomy (3)
Classification: Angiosperm, dicot
Family: Aquifoliaceae
Common name: Yaupon Holly
Varieties: Dwarf Yaupon Holly
General Information (1,5)
Region of Origin: Long Island, New York to central Florida and west to Texas
USDA Plants Hardiness Zones: 7-10
Growth Habit: Shrub or small tree
- Size: 15-20 feet tall; 2 feet tall (Dwarf)
- Deciduous/Evergreen: Evergreen
- Flowering: Spring
- Fruiting: Fall and Winter
Diagnostic Characteristics
Leaves (1)
- Arrangement: Alternate
- Simple/Compound: Simple
- Shape: Ovate
- Other: 0.5-1.5 inches long, 3/4 inch wide
[Dwarf variety on the right]
(Photos by Jessica Gomez)
Stem/Bark (1)
- Color: Purplish to whitish-gray
- Texture: Glabrous
[Dwarf variety on the right]
(Photos by Jessica Gomez)
Flower (1)
- Perfect/Imperfect: Imperfect (Dioecious)
- Color: Greenish-white
[Dwarf variety on the right]
(Photos by Jessica Gomez)
Fruit (1)
- Fruit type: Drupe
- Size: 1/4 inch
- Color: Scarlet
[Picture of Yaupon Holly fruit]
(Photo by Jessica Gomez)
Horticultural Information (1,2,4,6)
- Light: Full sun to partial shade
- pH: Slightly alkaline (to acidic for Dwarf)
- Maintenance: Easy to care for
- Landscape Uses: informal screens, barriers, topiary plant, hedges, and foundation plant
- Other: Salt tolerant; Fertilize in spring, summer, and fall (Dwarf)
Interesting Facts (1,2)
Indians made infusion of the leaves and drank until vomiting occurred to cleanse them of impurities of body and soul.
1)Dirr, M. A. (1990. Manual of Woody Landscape Plants: Their identification, ornamental characteristics, culture, propagation and uses. Stipes publishing company
2)Scheper, J (2004)Floridata Ilex vomitorium http://www.floridata.com/ref/I/ilx_vom.cfm
3) http://www.floridanature.org/species.asp?species=Ilex_vomitoria
4) http://www.treesusa.com/Plantinfo/Shade/Templates/Holly,%20Yaupon.pdf
5) U of A division of Agriculture http://www.aragriculture.org/horticulture/ornamentals/plant_database/shrubs/dwarf_yaupon_holly.htm
6) http://www.south-florida-plant-guide.com/dwarf-yaupon-holly.html
Edited by Jessica Bartek
Department of Biology
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