Director's Welcome
As the Director of Financial Aid, I am continuously working to improve service to students. While we face significant challenges, we have made progress and look forward to providing students with exceptional service. Information about the types of aid available, the application process, and eligibility requirements are enclosed in this packet.
I encourage all students to apply for federal and state financial aid programs by completing a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on the web at as early as possible after January 1st. Additional information and instructions for completing FAFSA on the web is enclosed. If you prefer you can complete a paper FAFSA and return it to the Valdosta State University Office of Financial Aid (OFA) for electronic processing along with signed copies of the Federal Income Tax Returns and W-2’s used in completing the FAFSA.
By completing the application process described in this packet you will be considered for federal, state, and institutional aid. This aid includes the Federal Pell Grant, Federal TEACH Grant, Federal ACG, Federal SMART Grant, Federal SEOG, Federal Work-Study, William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Programs, Federal Parent (PLUS) Loan, LEAP Grant, HOPE Promise Scholarship, HOPE Promise Teacher Scholarship and the HOPE Scholarship.
We caution you to borrow conservatively! The OFA will determine your maximum eligibility for a loan. However, you are not obligated to borrow that amount. We urge students to borrow only what is needed. The amount a student borrows during his or her college career will have a great effect on repayment amounts and credit ratings. Students should be aware of the responsibilities that borrowing money entails. Parents should also carefully assess their ability to assume additional debt before applying for the Federal Parent (PLUS) Loan.
Valdosta State University operates on the Semester System. Although final dates have not been set at this time, fees for Fall Semester early registration will be due in early August and the last day to pay for regular, on campus registration will be in mid August. It is imperative that you apply early in order to have your financial aid application process completed by the fee payment deadline. Even if tax returns are not filed until April, completing the application process soon thereafter should allow time for your aid to be processed by the beginning of Fall Semester. If you apply early and have problems; contact a Financial Aid representative right away so that you will have plenty of time to resolve any issues. If you wait until July and have problems, there may not be enough time for us to resolve all of the issues before the payment deadline.
All VSU students who apply for financial aid and are selected for verification will receive by mail, at the mailing address on file with the VSU Registrar’s Office, a request for verification documentation. All requested documentation must be received before an offer of financial aid can be made. New students not selected for verification will receive their initial VSU award notification at the VSU mailing address. Returning students will only receive electronic award notifications sent to their VSU e-mail account.
The best source of information regarding financial aid is the Office of Financial Aid at the institution you plan to attend. Valdosta State University has a staff of counselors available Monday through Thursday from 8:00am to 5:30pm and Friday 8:00am to 3:00pm to answer your student aid questions. You are welcome to visit the office in the University Center, Room 4121, or telephone (229) 333-5935 or 1-800-618-1878 (option #2) and ask our Customer Service Representative for assistance.
Douglas R. Tanner
Director of Financial Aid
This information was prepared in advance of the 2010-2011 academic year, and contains material related to Federal Title IV Student Aid Programs. While VSU believes that the information contained herein is accurate and factual, this publication is intended as a guide only and has not been reviewed by the U.S. Department of Education.
Financial Aid
University Center
Entrances #6 & #7
Room 1400
1205 N. Patterson St Valdosta, GA 31698 -
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta, GA 31698 - Phone: 229.333.5935
- Fax: 229.333.5430
Monday-Thursday: 8 am - 5:30 pm
Friday: 8 am - 3 pm