b'Amazons Market Dominance: past, present, and futureSean C. Passmore, Savon Jackson, and Rick Boles, Department of Computer ScienceFaculty Sponsor: Chunlei Liu, Department of Computer ScienceThe purpose of this paper is to analyze what specifically allows the online retailer Amazon to be as dominant a player as they are in the field of E-Commerce. This will be done by analyzing three factors: history, management and planning, and products and services. Amazons history starts early in the E-Commerce market which puts Amazon in a unique but volatile situation in which they are able to establish a status quo. Amazons management styles create an environment conducive to perfectionism which makes customers more likely to be return shoppers. Amazon also produces an in-house brand of essential products which are cheap and heralded as good products for the money.A Time Comparison between AVL Trees and Red-Black TreesCarson Davis, Matthew Hale, James Jackson, Tamikal Johnson, Johnnie Oldfield, Department of Computer ScienceFaculty Sponsor: Anurag Dasgupta, Department of Computer ScienceOne of the most basic and common examples of a tree is a binary search tree. While efficient, there have been strides to make it even more optimized with the implementation of self-balancing and self-sorting. Two examples of trees that utilize these types of optimizations are AVL trees and Red-Black trees. Comparatively, AVL trees are said to be faster than their Red-Black tree counterpart. For this paper, we are going to discuss if this is, in fact, true. In order to test this, we solved two separate problems using both an AVL tree and a Red-Black tree for both problems. The primary goal of this research is to see which tree is faster in three fields: searching, inserting/sorting, and modifying.41'