b'Gender on Steven UniverseKayley Tudor, Laya Francis, and Madison Tucker, Department of Mass MediaFaculty Sponsor: Dr. Nicole CoxWelcome to the fictional Beach City, home to the Steven Universe and the crystal gems. A group of individuals found within the animated series Steven Universe, a childrens show that breaks hegemonic ideologies of societies traditional media. The Crystal Gems rebelled against their Homeworld with their original leader Rose Quarts, who is Stevens mother, to protect the Earth from being colonized and from the depletion of its resources. Although the show is aimed towards a young audience, an older audience is still able to watch it and enjoy it due to the deeper concepts within the show. Much like how the crystal gems fight against their own hegemonic ideologies within their Homeworlds society, the actual show Steven Universe fights against our own traditions of what media is supposed to be and display. It does this through defying typical gender roles, hegemonic masculinity, and cultural relevance. It is beneficial that these topics are discussed within a childrens show so that our society can progress, and our traditional views can grow and evolve.The New Novela: An Ideological Analysis of Casa de las Flores Lidia Alonso, Department of Mass MediaFaculty Sponsor: Dr. Nicole Cox, Department of Mass MediaThe New Novela is an ideological analysis depicting cultural contradictions and dominant norms. The study focuses its attention on the Netflix original comedic drama La Casa de las Flores, or known in English as, The House of Cards. The analysis covers the different ways in which the show breaks stereotypes established in Hispanic culture and society. It covers topics such as LGBT representation, racism and discrimination, age profiling, Hispanic promiscuity, and matriarchy, among others. The analysis breaks down significant characters pertaining to the show. It also analyzes relationships between characters and their actions in order to support the thesis . 33'