MFT Program Student Advisory Committee (PSAC)
Beginning Fall 2012, the MFT Department initiated the Program Student Advisory Committee (PSAC). The objective of this committee is to provide a formal avenue through which students can be involved in the governance of the MFT program.
PSAC Meeting Minutes: 9/05/2013
- Amended and updated bylaws, written June 2014
- Original bylaws, written September 2014
Committee Charge
1. Provide student perspective-driven counsel to the MFT faculty on various issues affecting the MFT graduate experience; act as a sounding board, provide thoughtful feedback, identify issues needing attention, provide a student perspective on current academic services and policies, and make recommendations for new services and policies.
2. Use the MFT Program Educational Outcomes to guide the focus of the committee's feedback to the faculty as well as guide the charge of the committee.
3. Review and evaluate the adequacy and appropriateness of the program's Educational Outcomes once a year.
Composed of 6 to 10 students, including representation from both 1st and 2nd year students. The members of the 2014-2015 committee are as follows:
Chair: Fitkeesha Beckford
Co-Chair: Kaylan Hand
Secretary: Michael Tanner
Webmaster: Katie
Treasurer: Sara Reed
1st Year Representative: Jallissa Heston-Elias
2nd Year Representative: Tomi Oluwakoya
Social Chair: Tiffany Aaron
Fundraising Chair: Brittany McLeod
Second Year Student Members
Fitkeesha Beckford
Tomi Oluwakoya
Tiffany Aaron
First Year Members
Kaylan Hand
Michael Tanner
Sara Reed
Jallissa Heston-Elias
Brittany McLeod
Frequency: PSAC meets monthly or as the committee determines is needed.
Process: The first advisory committee was self-selected by the students themselves, and met to begin achieving the following: 1.) Write PSAC by-laws. 2.) Decide how future committee members will be selected. 3.) PSAC is tasked with an annual review and evaluation of the MFT program Educational Outcomes. This review will result in submission of a report offering comment, analysis, and recommendations of the Program Mission, Philosophy, Goals & Objectives, Program Outcomes, and Student Learning Outcomes. A PSAC representative will present this report at the annual MFT Strategic Planning Retreat (usually held in the summer), where it will be discussed in full. 4.) The committee may select a representative to attend some portion of monthly faculty meetings as necessary. 5.) The committee will share its monthly meeting minutes with the faculty. 6.) PSAC will be given program support to formulate a self-replicating structure, with sufficient resources to support the charge of the PSAC (i.e., meeting space, office supplies, and web page space).
For more information, please contact the Secretary, Michael Tanner
Faculty contact: Dr. Martha Laughlin, Director of Clinical Training or Kate Warner, Program Director
Marriage and Family Therapy
903 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta, GA 31698 -
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta, GA 31698 - MFT Program
- Phone: 229.219.1281
- FamilyWorks
- Phone: 229.219.1281
- FamilyWorks Fax
- Fax: 229.219.1280