
The largest division in the University, Academic Affairs, is composed of six undergraduate colleges:

Academic Affairs is also home to a variety of administrative offices supporting the academic mission of the university, including the following:

Last updated July 6, 2023.


The Office of Academic Affairs oversees the University’s academic affairs division. Personnel in this division include the following:

  • Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs: The Provost and VPAA serves as the Chief Academic Officer who works in liaison with the President and the University System of Georgia to lead the campus in issues pertaining to all academic matters, including curriculum and degree program approvals, faculty appointments and contracts, promotion and tenure recommendations, academic budget allocation, and academic policies. The Provost is assisted in these tasks by Associate Provosts and Academic Affairs staff. The Provost is a faculty member but serves in an administrative role at the pleasure of the President.
  • Deans: Deans are the chief executive officers of each college and report to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. They are responsible for the development and coordination of programs within their colleges as well as the recommendations for all faculty personnel actions. Deans also have appointments as faculty but serve in their administrative role at the pleasure of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.
  • Department Heads: Department heads have direct supervision over faculty and are responsible for the general direction of the department; the quality of instruction; the coordination of instruction; and for recommendations for personnel actions. Department Heads have faculty appointments but serve in their administrative role at the pleasure of the college dean.
  • Directors: Directors in the division of Academic Affairs oversee various administrative offices that provide support to the colleges and departments. Some of these directors may hold faculty status, but all serve in their administrative capacity at the pleasure of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.
  • Faculty: According to the Board of Regents’ Policy Manual, full-time faculty members are part of the Corps of Instruction: “Full-time professors, associate professors, assistant professors, instructors, lecturers, senior lecturers, principal lecturers, and teaching personnel with such other titles as may be approved by the Board, shall be the Corps of Instruction. Full-time research and extension personnel and duly certified librarians will be included in the Corps of Instruction on the basis of comparable training. Persons holding part-time and adjunct appointments or other honorary titles shall not be considered to be members of the faculty.”

It is the responsibility of the faculty in each college to establish entrance requirements, define courses of study, establish requirements for degrees offered in the College, provide guidance and advising for the students in the College, and adopt regula­tions to govern its own procedures for the orderly and efficient administration of the school.

The faculty is responsible for regulations affecting academic activities, the general educational policy of the University, the welfare of the faculty, and other matters as may maintain and promote the best interest of the faculty and of the University. The representative and legislative agency of the faculty is the Faculty Senate.

A current organizational chart for the Division of Academic Affairs is available online.

Last updated March 24, 2022.