The Bachelor of Education degree with a major in Workforce Education and Development (WED) is offered through the Department of Adult and Career Education. This degree is a fast-track program that is open to military and civilians alike. Designed for students who are interested in teaching and/or training careers in postsecondary adult education settings. This includes institutions such as technical colleges, community colleges, private sector industries, community and social service agencies, government, law enforcement, and military agencies. The focus of the program is on the development and refinement of knowledge and skills in the areas of curriculum and instructional planning, delivery, and assessment of adult students. There is an opportunity to qualify for up to 36 credit hours from completed approved technical college applied associate's degree program or the equivalent as evidenced by recognized industry-granted certificates, credentials, licenses, military training, and/or prior learning/technical work experience. Applications for credit must be approved by the student's advisor and VSU academic administrators prior to the awarding of credits.

The academic course requirements for the WED include 60 semester hours of core courses followed by 60 semester hours of major courses. The program consists of thirteen major courses. Ideally, if a student has completed all VSU core requirements it could take approximately fifteen months to complete this degree. However, if core requirements have not been satisfied it could take considerably longer depending upon the number of courses a student has yet to complete. This program is 100% online which allows students flexibility of taking course work from anywhere in the world.

Adult and Career Education Contacts:

Dr. Nicole P Gunn
WED Program Coordinator and Advisor