Workforce Education & Development 
(Workforce Training and Development Option)

The Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Workforce Education and Development (WED) is offered through the Department of Adult and Career Education. This degree is a fast-track program that is open to military and civilians alike. Workforce Education and Development prepares students for a career in training and development by teaching instructional planning, delivery, and evaluation. Upon completion of this degree program, students will be equipped to teach others, plan, supervise, conduct and evaluate training programs in settings such as technical and community colleges, industry or government.
Previous work experiences, related to the students' areas of technical expertise, are a vital component in the overall preparation of graduates to prepare them to serve as instructors in their technical fields. A unique feature of this degree program is the opportunity for 30 college credits to be awarded for seven and one-half years of validated work experience in accepted occupational fields.  Applications for credit must be approved by the student's advisor and VSU academic administrators prior to the awarding of credits.
The academic course requirements for the WED include 60 semester hours of core courses followed by 60 semester hours of major courses. The program consists of thirteen major courses. Ideally, if a student has completed all VSU core requirements it could take approximately fifteen months to complete this degree. However, if core requirements have not been satisfied it could take considerably longer depending upon the number of courses a student has yet to complete. This program is offered off-campus at Moody AFB. It utilizes a weekend format (Fridays 5 p.m. - 10 p.m. and Saturdays 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.) which allows students flexibility in attending class. Three classes are offered each semester for four semesters and each class meets three weekends. Courses are spread out over the entire semester so students are taking only one course at a time.
If interested in attending class at the Moody location please feel free to contact our office at 229.257.4163 or email us at  Information can also be obtained from the Department of Adult and Career Education at (229) 333-5928.

Degree Plan/Schedule of Rotation
Course Descriptions (This link will take you to the Undergraduate Catalog.  Look under the tab "Courses of Instruction", choose "A" to take to the ACED Courses and then click on your course.

Adult and Career Education contacts: 
Dr. Diane Wright, WED Advisor, 229.333.5614
Mrs. Wendy Miller, Administrative Secretary, 229.333.5928