
Code of Conduct
Code of Elections
Spring 2022
- Resolution 22-02: A Resolution to to recommend the installation of handrailing and traction strips on the steps; and signage for the ramp in the area between palms dining hall, palms quad, and hopper residence hall at Valdosta State University.
- Resolution 22-01: A Resolution to acknowledge the top three departments on campus with the highest Student opinion of instruction responses.
- Bill 22-01: A Bill to Amend the Code of Elections
Fall 2021
Spring 2021
- Resolution 21-01: A Resolution Stating SGA's disapproval of the events that occurred at the United States Capitol
- Resolution 21-02: A Resolution to Support Campus Safety Week
- Resolution 21-03: A Resolution to Recommend Changes to the VSU Withdrawal Policy
- Resolution 21-04: A Resolution to Honor Contributions Made By VSU Faculty and Staff
- Resolution 21-05: A Resolution to Honor Frontline Workers and Staff of VSU for Their Efforts in Combating Covid-19.
- Resolution 21-06: A Resolution to Support Upgrades to VSU Crosswalks
- Resolution 21-07: A Resolution to Recommend that all Faculty Raise Awareness to Resources for Mental Health
- Bill 21-01: A Bill to Amend the SGA Code of Conduct
Fall 2020
- Resolution 20-04: A Resolution Honoring the Integration of VSU
- Bill 20-03: A Bill to Amend the SGA Bylaws
Spring 2020
- Bill 20-01: A Bill to Amend the SGA Bylaws
- Resolution 20-01: A Resolution Honoring Former Treasurer Krupesh Patel
- Bill 20-02: A Bill to Amend the Code of Elections
- Resolution 20-02: A Resolution Honoring Resident Hall Assistants
- Resolution 20-03: A Resolution to Urge Change to the VSU Withdrawal Limit Policy
Fall 2019
- Bill 19-02: A Bill to Amend the Code of Elections
- Bill 19-03: A Bill to Amend the SGA Bylaws
- 19-10 A Resolution to Honor VSU CIO Brian Haugabrook
Spring 2019
- 19-01 A Resolution to Commend the 2018 National Champion Valdosta State University Blazer Football Team
- 19-02 A Resolution to Provide Reasonable Accommodations for Step and Dance Practice
- 19-03 A Resolution to Commend the Students and Faculty for Their Support of the 2018 National Champion Valdosta State Blazer Football Team
- 19-05 A Resolution to Urge Change in Institutional GPA Calculation
- 19-06 A Resolution A Resolution to Support Students Who Go Above and Beyond at Valdosta State University
- 19-07 A Resolution to Increase Midblock Crosswalk Safety
- Bill 19-01
- 19-09 A Resolution Addressing the Requirements and Selection of Homecoming King and Queen
Fall 2018
- 18-10 A Resolution to Support a New Red Bus Line Route
- 18-11 A Resolution to Support the Balloon Release Policy
- 18-12 A Resolution to Encourage the Student Body to Participate in the 2018 Elections
Spring 2018
- 18-01 Recharge Resolution
- 18-02 United States Armed Forces Appreciation Resolution
- 18-03 Relay for Life Appreciation Resolution
- 18-04 A Resolution to Support VSU Shine a Light on Slavery Day
- 18-05 A Resolution to Endorse the Proposed 2018-2019 Parking Model
- 18-06 Support for Fair Compensation of Study Abroad Professors
- 18-07 A Resolution to Support Recycling and Cleanliness on Campus
- 18-08 A Resolution to Support the Out of the Darkness Event
- 18-09 A Resolution Addressing the Requirements, Selection, and Role of the Homecoming King and Queen
Fall 2017
Fall 2016
- 16-01 SGA Conduct Bill
Spring 2015
- 15-09 Tribute to the Graduating Seniors of Spring 2015
- 15-08 SGA Responding to Flag Protest on Campus 4-17-2015
- 15-07 United States Armed Forces Appreciation
- 15-06 Commending President William J. McKinney of Valdosta State University
- 15-05 Georgia Avenue- Repurpose and Reevaluation Parking Lots
Fall 2014
- Georgia House of Reps. VSU Day at the Capitol Resolution
- 14-14 VSU Day at the Capitol
- 14-12 Academic Forgiveness
- 14-11 Blazing the Stage with Kel Mitchell Agreement
- 14-10 Commencement
- 14-09 Homecoming King
- 14-07 Support of Blazer Creed
- 14-06 Spring Break Future Academic Scheduling
- 14-05 Clarification on the purpose of VSU Students Distribution List
- 14-04 Campus Diversity & Minority Student Support
- 14-03 Executive Board Stipend Increase
- 14-02 Support of S.A.V.E. Fossil Free Divestment Campaign
- 14-01 Pedestrian Safety
FALL 2013
Student Government Association
Student Union
3rd. Floor Room 3106
Valdosta State University
1500 N. Patterson Street
Valdosta, GA 31698 -
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta, GA 31698 - Dean of Students Office
- Phone: 229.333.5941
- Fax: 229.333.6481