On February 9, 2018, the Office of Employee and Organizational Development will hold a ceremony to recognize those who have completed one or more of the certificate programs offered by VSU. The EOD team will be joined by Dr. Carvajal, VSU President, to honor those who have completed their program and continue to offer service excellence to the VSU campus and community. 

Spring 2018 Certificate Recipients

  • Karin Costa Osario da Fonseca, Management Certificate Program

  • Michael Fontaine, Management Certificate Program

  • Rachel Martin, Management Certificate Program

  • Regina Ogden, Management Certificate Program

  • Tanya Fontaine, Administrative Assistant Certificate: Professional Track 

  • Sandra Di Pietro, Management Certificate Program

  • Cynthia CorganAdministrative Assistant Certificate: Professional and Specialist Tracks

Management Certificate Programs

Management Certificate Program Recipients

Pictured are the recipients of the Management Certificate Program. From left to right: Michael Fontaine, Regina Ogden, President Dr. Carvajal (presenter), Sandra DiPietro, and Karin Fonseca. Not pictured: Rachel Martin

Administrative Assistant Certificate Program

Administrative Assistant Certificate Recipients

Pictured are the recipients of the Administrative Assistant Certificate Program. From left to right: Tanya Fontaine, Cynthia Corgan, Dr. Richard Carvajal (presenter), and Barbara Fontaine. 

All Certificate Recipients

Certificate Recipients with Supervisors

Pictured are all of the certificate program recipients with their supervisors and EOD staff. Pictured from left to right (Front): Regina Ogden, Tanya Fontaine, Cynthia Corgan, Dr. Richard Carvajal, Karin Fonseca, Sandra DiPietro. Pictured from left to right (Back): Rebecca Murphy, Dr. Robert Gannon, Meredith Lancaster, Michael Fontaine, Barbara Fontaine, Antolina Pilgrim, Traycee Martin, and Ashley Cooper. Not pictured: Rachel Martin