Paper Timesheets
The policy of The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia states that the eTIME application is the system of record for reporting time worked and leave taken. Therefore, it is the policy of Valdosta State University that all employees required to submit hours for payment must use the eTIME application in order for their payroll to be calculated and processed.
Employees who are in violation of this policy will risk having their payments delayed due to processing requirements. If an employee continues to be in violation of this eTIME reporting requirement, their supervisor will be contacted in order to facilitate a resolution to either bring the employee into compliance or terminate employment.
Exceptions to this policy may be granted for the following reasons:
- The employee is a new hire and was not processed through employment in time to enter their hours electronically. In this case, Payroll Services will accept paper time sheets for up to two pay periods. After that point, the employee must enter their hours via the eTIME application or their payments will be delayed.
- Employees who are “multi-institutional” (i.e., they are employees of more than one entity under the University System of Georgia) will be exempted.
Important Notes About Paper Time Sheets
- Paper time sheets can be found on the payroll website under Payroll Forms.
- The paper time sheets are self-calculating. Save the blank form to your computer before filling it out. The self-totaling columns may not calculate properly if you fill out the form without saving it first. The form can also be reset to blank by clicking the reset button at the bottom of the form.
- Time sheets are pay period specific. Be sure to fill in the correct dates that correspond to the days worked. A payroll pay period calendar can be found on the Payroll Services website to assist you.
- The time sheets are designed to be filled out electronically and then printed for signatures. We request that you fill out the form electronically for the best results. If you fill in the form by hand please total your hours in the columns on the right side.
- For students, use the student time sheet. Enter clock in and clock out times. Be sure to include AM or PM for proper calculation of hours worked.
- For staff use the bi-weekly staff time sheet. Enter total hours worked per day.
- Submit the time sheet(s) to Payroll Services via either of the two methods on the bottom of the forms.
Related Links
Payroll Forms
- 1205 N. Patterson St. Valdosta, Georgia 31698
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta, GA 31698 - Phone: 229.333.5708
- Fax: 229.333.7408