Submitting Deposits

All daily transactions must be processed and presented for deposit to the Cashiers located in the Bursary no later than the following workday.  A Deposit Transmittal Form is available for your use in submitting deposits to the University Cashiers. Coin wrappers are also available upon request. 

A departmental representative may hand-carry deposits to the Bursary or in special circumstances University Police may be scheduled to help transport large deposits.  The department should arrange for the escort, if needed, making sure it is during operating hours. For such deposits, a cashier will verify and count any cash deposits, enter all data from the department’s deposit transmittal form, validate the department’s deposit copy in the presence of the departmental representative, and give the depositor a Bursary receipt. The department should immediately compare the validated total on the Bursary receipt with the departmental file copy to ensure that the amounts are identical.  Discrepancies must be reconciled at once.

Deposits of any nature should never be sent intercampus mail.  

Departments should notify the University Cashiers of deposit submittal problems or delays.  We also ask that departments notify the Cashiers in advance of large cash deposits or requests for large amounts of change so that departments won’t be unnecessarily inconvenienced.