Professional Presentation
Names in bold highlight students and alumni of the VSU MLIS Program who presented at professional conferences.
Public Library Association 2020 Nashville Conference
Joshua Beasley presented “African-American Genealogy Programming” at Public Library Association 2020 Nashville Conference. His presentation shows how to use Ancestry Library Edition and HeritageQuest to offer genealogy programming to communities while addressing the distinct difficulties faced by African Americans.
Sarah Brubaker co-presented “Service to Bilingual Public Library Patrons” to discuss best practices for frontend staff when assisting bilingual patrons, including methods that facilitate communication when staff speak the target language and when they do not.
GA Libraries Virtual Conference in October 7-9, 2020
Laurie Aycock co-presented “All Hands On Deck: Developing a Job Shadowing Program in Collection Development.”
Denise Dimsdale co-presented “Diving Deep into Dissertation Data: Analyzing Graduate Students’ Dissertations to Inform Research Data Services.”
Shannan Furlow presented “Building the Foundation For Grant Seeking in Public Libraries.”
Brandy R. Horne co-presented “A Welcome Cite: Perspectives on Librarian Roles and Writing Center Support for the Successful Adoption of Citation Manual Updates across a Campus.”
Kelsey Jordan co-presented “Where Have We Been and Where Should We Be Going? A Needs Assessment Study of Graduate Students’ Data Needs.”
Kristina S. Lang presented “Staying Grounded In & Out of the Library: Practical Applications of Contemplative Practices for Librarians.”
Aspasia Luster co-presented “Campus Closures, Viruses, and Virtual Finals Frenzy” and “All Hands on Deck: Incorporating Additional Departments to Expand Online Reference Assistance During Closure,”
Chris Morris presented “Our OpenAthens Journey: Lessons Learned and Looking to the Future.”
Samantha Paul co-presented “Distance Librarianship Under Duress: Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Closures.”
Scott Pieper co-presented “Preserving the History of a Consolidated University Instruction as Diversity Outreach: National History Day.”
Jennifer Price presented “Equity In Focus: Public Library Business Services Through the Social Justice Lens.”
Samantha Reardon, Jennifer Carter, and Matthew Foley co-presented “Everybody In! And We Mean Everybody: Ink and Professionalism in Libraries.”
Amy Stalker presented “Everyone In!: Building and maintaining culture on your team.”
Robert Taylor presented “Queering the Catalog.”
Annual Meeting of the Society of Georgia Archivists
Kristina S. Lang co-presented a panel presentation, “Resurrecting the Archives: Bringing Forgotten Collections Back to Life!” at the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Society of Georgia Archivists on Friday, November 13, 2020.
Association of Rural and Small Libraries conference in Burlington, VT on September 4-7, 2019
Jessica Hilburn co-presented “The Age Limit Does Not Exist: Combining Youth and Adult Services into Unique Programs." In this presentation, they demonstrated the success yielded by departmental collaboration on easy, affordable programs. They explained how to create unique programs, including those dealing with crafts, writing, history, science, technology, and more, that people of all ages will enjoy. They also brainstormed programs that are community-specific and gave ideas regarding how to adapt family programs to various patrons.
GA Libraries Annual Conference in Macon, GA on October 9-11, 2019
Amie Torok and Ashely Shull co-presented “Public Libraries Serving Their Communities through Innovative Programming.”
Ashley Dupuy and Elizabeth Dill co-presented “Hiring Managers Tell All! What Job Seekers Really Want to Know.”
Aspasia Luster co-presented “Better Library Outreach through Interdepartmental Collaboration.”
Beth Ratliff co-presented “Building Better Together: Creating Mutually Beneficial Relationships with Your Friends.”
Beth Ratliff presented at the “GLA Georgia Library Trustees, Friends, and Advocates Association Meeting.”
Bokshim Fox presented “Library Computer Literacy Classes for Seniors: Limitations and Benefits.”
Brooke Rose co-presented “Changes in Job Descriptions: Leading Staff to Embrace Change.”
Chris Sharpe presented at the “GLA Academic Library Divisions Business Meeting.”
Christopher Moffat co-presented “Quick Take: From Patrons to Customers: Applying Academic Library Principles in the Public Library.”
Denise Dimsdale presented “My Journey Through the SPARC Open Education Leadership Program.”
Dylitchrous Thompson co-presented “Successful User Experience: Active Listening + Creative Solutions = Building Relationships, Engaging Older Adult Patrons.”
Elizabeth Turner co-presented “A Checkup on Georgia’s Civic Health.” Emily Crews co-presented “The Great CSU Weed of 2019.”
Fran Weaver presented “Getting Involved with the Georgia Peach Book Award for Teen Readers.”
Jackie Watkins co-presented “It Takes a Campus: Building Inter-Unit Collaborative Relationships to Improve Continuing Resources Workflows.”
Jackie Watkins presented “Weaving in the Ends: Coordinating Database Trials to Build Effective Collections.”
Jamie Addy presented “Quick Take: Common Reader Remix: Centering the Library in Common Reader Programs.”
Jennifer Jacobs co-presented “What Do You Meme? Using Memes to Market Library Resources and Services to a Wider and Younger Audience.”
John Mack Freeman presented “Finding the No: Setting Reasonable Boundaries on Library Service.”
John Mack Freeman presented at the “GLA Intellectual Freedom Interest Group.”
Joshua Beasley presented “Creating a Teen YouTube Channel.” Karen Manning presented at the “GLA Black Causes Interest Group Meeting.”
Kathryn Wright co-presented “Brick House: Building Stronger Academic Connections for Student Learning Success.”
Kayla Bolton presented “Breakout EDU: Digital Game Creation.”
Kimberly Boyd presented at the “GLA Special Libraries and Information Services Division Meeting.”
Kristi Peavy co-presented “Library in Transition: Building Community One Floor at a Time.”
Lamonica Sanford co-presented “Membership as a Game Changer in Your Professional Career.”
Micki Waldrop and Kimberly Boyd co-presented “Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes: Department Upheaval in Three Perspectives.”
Nikita Hines co-presented “Special Libraries Advocating Services and Knowledge Together.”
Rebecca Ballard presented “All-ages Programming: Bringing Generations Together in the Library.”
Robert Taylor co-presented “Are we Building Bridges or Walls? Opportunities and Challenges in Mitigating Bias in Our Library Catalogs.”
Robert Taylor and Danielle Costello co-presented “Quick Take: Game On: Three Years of Tabletop Collection and Community.”
Rosemary Humphrey co-presented “Turning Stumbling Blocks into Building Blocks ILL Solves Problems.”
Rosemary Humphrey, Michelle Lee, Chris Morris, and Emily Williams co-presented “More than Just Updating Your Nametag: Transitioning from Library Staff to Faculty.”
Samantha Paul co-presented “Let’s Get Down to Business: An Academic Library Instagram Experience.”
Sarah Rodgers co-presented “Using Outreach to Doll up the Library.”
Scott Pieper co-presented “Strengthening the School to College Pipeline: Building National History Day Partnerships.”
Shannan Furlow presented “Funding Technology in Georgia Public Libraries.”
Stephanie Irvin presented at the “GLA Public Library Division Business Meeting.”
Tanya Darden co-presented “Augmented Reality (AR) in Your Library.”
Terri Hartfield presented “Quick Take: Nevertheless, She Persisted: Curating an Exhibit on the Recent Women’s Marches: A Collaborative Experience between Special Collections and an Emerging Librarian in Women’s Studies.”
Thomas Weeks co-presented “Building Better Researchers: Partnering with an English Composition Program to Develop Student Information Literacy.”
Virginia Feher presented “Peer Review Articles: Building a Better Submission Together.”
Vivian Bynoe presented “Connect with Your Community: Establishing a Little Free Library.”
Vivian Bynoe and Amber Moore co-presented “21st Century Academic Librarianship: Addressing Challenges with Adaptability.”
Wendy Wilmoth presented “Five Years Later: Evolution of a Laptop Lending Program.”
Will Smith presented at the “GLA Library Services for People with Disabilities Interest Group.”
William Brogdon, Kyle Thomas DeBell, and Leslie Drost co-presented at the “Building Best Practices in Reference and Instructions: 8 Lightning Talks.”
Atlanta Area Bibliographic Instruction Group (AABIG) 2019 on June 7, 2019
Kristina S Lang and Angela Dixon presented a poster: “In the midst of chaos, there's opportunity: Instruction observations from the eye of the storm.”
Chih Chia (Joshua) Yang presented a poster session: “Creating instruction opportunities: Outreach to international students.”
Dylitchrous Thompson co-presented: “Service to older adults: Defining the A, B, and C of reference interchange.”
Tennessee Library Association’s Annual Conference in Chattanooga, TN in April 2019
Ashli Wells co-presented: “Does Crowdsourcing work?: The Story of How We Did It and What We Would Have Done Differently.”
Florida Library Association’s Annual Conference in Orlando, FL on May 15, 2019
Chelsea Gentry and her colleagues presented a poster session: “A royal flush: Streaming video as an unbeatable hand.”
VSU 10th Annual Graduate Student Research and Scholarship Symposium
Kadry Dale presented on “The Role of Social Workers in Public Libraries.”
Kendall N. Ball presented on “Community Representation in Children’s Chapter Book Collection at the Chattahoochee Valley Libraries.”
GA Libraries Annual Conference in Columbus, GA on October 3-5, 2018
Amanda Roper presented at “GLA Paraprofessional Business Meeting.”
Amanda Roper, Kimberly Boyd (Grad 2011) presented “Paraprofessional Development: Growing through Mentorship and the Georgia Library Association.”
Amy Burger (Grad 2011) co-presented “Blueprint for Engagement: Designing Outreach Experiences.”
Amy Stalker presented poster presentation “OPENing the Workplace for FUN: Building Community and Boosting Morale at the Library.”
Ann Mills (Grad 2017) co-presented “Making Acquisitions Open to All: Alma interested users as a service for patrons and librarians.”
Ariel Turner (Grad 2012) presented “Advocacy for Technical Services in the 21st Century.” Ariel Turner (Grad 2012), Rosemary Humphrey (Grad 2017) co-presented: “Finding Our Strengths”
Ashley Hoffman (Grad 2015) co-presented “Try It! Learn to Improve Guides and Websites Using Design Research Methods.”
Ashley Hoffman (Grad 2015) co-presented at “Distance Learning Interest Group (DLIG) Business Meeting.”
Aspasia Luster, Jalesia Horton (Grad 2017) co-presented poster presentation “Libraries Going Cashless.”
Beth Ratliff co-presented “The Value of “Friends”: Building a Friends Group with a Relationship that Works.”
Chris Sharpe (Grad 2008) co-presented “GLA Academic Library Division Paper: A Tale of Two Libraries: Lessons Learned from Army Library Consolidation.”
Christopher Moffat (Grad 2013), Amy Stalker (Grad 2013) co-presented “Open Sesame: Tapping Academic Librarian Expertise to Reach Community Seniors.”
Cordelia Riley (Grad 2007) co-presented “Best Practices in Reference and Instruction Lightning Talks.”
Debra Fennell (Grad 2006) presented “Genealogy and Local History IG Discussion: What Should We Do about Our Collections?”
Daniel Klein (Grad 2018) presented “Explore Virtual Reality.”
Daricus Larry co-presented “Gotta Catch Them All: How Effective are our Efforts to Market our Programs.”
Denise Dimsdale (Grad 2010) co-presented “Open to All: Public Domain.”
Emily Williams (Grad 2014) co-presented “Simplifying Cataloging Workflows: Tips and Tools.”
Hyun Chu Kim (Grad 2007) co-presented “Not Your Average Work Order: Managing Shelf-Ready Errors in Alma.”
Jackie Watkins (Grad 2016) presented “GLA Story Project.”
John Mack Freeman (Grad 2013) presented at “Intellectual Freedom Interest Group.”
John Mack Freeman (Grad 2013) presented “Library Services to LGBTQ People.”
Joshua Beasley presented “African American Genealogy.”
Justin Nobles (Grad 2013) presented at “Professional and Continuing Education Interest Group”
Karen Manning (Grad 2017) co-presented “Let’s Get It Started! TRAILBLAZERS wanted!”
Kelli McDaniel (Grad 2013) co-presented “Pop It Like It’s Hot: How Pop-Up Libraries Transformed Our Community Outreach.”
Marie Day (Grad 2018) presented poster presentation “Sitting and Standing in Libraries.” Meghan Stipe presented “Engaging the Virtual User: Social Media Based Programming”
Melissa Grammont (Grad 2014) co-presented “Listen & Learn: Using Podcasting to Keep Your Staff Informed.”
Rebecca Ballard co-presented at “GPLS Youth Services Preconference.”
Rita Spisak (Grad 2007) co-presented at“Georgia Library Trustees, Friends, and Advocates Association Business Meeting.”
Robert Taylor (Grad 2018) presented “Audiences, Creators, and the LCDGT.”
Samantha Paul (Grad 2014) co-presented: “Can We Chat?: A Panel Discussion of Virtual Reference.”
Samantha Paul (Grad 2014) co-presented “Going the Distance: Giving the Research Appointment a “Flipped Classroom” Makeover.”
Sarah Brubaker co-presented “Bilingual Customer Service in the Public Library.”
Shannan Furlow co-presented “GA LitLab: A tour of Technology for Georgia’s Libraries.”
Stephanie Irvin (Grad 2011) co-presented “What Can GLASS Do For You?”
Stephen Houser (Grad 2012) co-presented “Leveraging Libraries for Literacy.”
Susan Clay (Grad 2010) co-presented “You can Ring Our Bell: Services and Resources at the UGA Map and Government Information Library.”
Vikki Doerr co-presented “You Let Them Do WHAT?! Inviting Teens to Take Ownership of Library Programming.”
Virginia Feher (Grad 2011), Kimberly Boyd (Grad 2011) co-presented “Librarianship as a Profession: Scholars or Practitioners.”
Vivian Bynoe (Grad 2010) co-presented “The Secret to Organizing and Maintaining a Successful Networking Group.”
Willis Smith (Grad 2016) presented at “Library Services for People with Disabilities Interest Group.”
Willis Smith (Grad 2016) presented “Conference Workshop on effective GLASS patron usage.”
Amanda Roper presented “But I Want to Do it All! Social Media Strategies for the Small Academic Library” in the Library and Marketing Communications Conference was held in Dallas, Texas, on November 16-17, 2017.
Ashley D. Lowery presented her Capstone research project entitled: “You Can View the Tweets!: Content Analysis of Tweets Mentioning Works in an Institutional Repository” in the Valdosta State University Graduate Research Symposium.
Denise Dimsdale presented “Using Creative Commons Licenses” at the TIES conference at VSU.
Georgia Council of Media Organizations (Ga COMO) Conference, October 9-11, 2013, Macon, GA.
Kelly Ansley, Laurie Aycock “An Introvert and an Extrovert Walk Into a Classroom: How Personality Type Affects Teaching Styles.”
Kelly Ansley, Chris Sharpe, Amanda Nash, Ben Mullis, Sarah Kirkley, Leslie Madden, Patricia Ziebart “Consolidating Instruction Programs: How did You Do That?”
Kimberly Boyd, John Mack Freeman “ALA Forum”
Amanda Roper, Kimberley Boyd “Fantastic Student-Employees and Where to Find Them: Using Gamification and the World of Harry Potter to Engage Student Employees.”
Steve Burton, Ashley Hoffman, Christina Holm “Resume Review Workshop.”
Carolann Curry, Anna Krampl “Revitalizing Your Library’s Health Information Services: An Overview of National Library of Medicine Consumer Health Resources.”
Denise Dimsdale “Using Creative Commons Licenses.”
Andrea Faulk “Language Learning in the Library.”
Rebecca Rose, Sofia Slutskaya, Camille McCutcheon, Virginia Feher, Cheryl Stiles “GLA Academic Library Division Paper Presentation & Panel Discussion on Scholarly Writing and Publishing.”
Online Lifeline Instructional Technology & Learning Conference, February 21-22, 2013, Valdosta, GA.
Michael Holt presented a poster-demonstration entitled "The VSU Makerspace Project."
Dallas Suttles presented a poster-demonstration entitled "V-text: Showcasing VSU's Research."
3Ts Transliteracy from Cradle to Career Conference, March 15, State University of New York Empire State College, Albany, NY | Information Fluency Conference, March 13-14, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL.
Tiia Kunnapas presented "Casting Your Net Far and Wide to Catch Distance Learners with Social Media & Free Online Tools" at both conferences.
Annual Graduate Student Research and Scholarship Symposium, April 12, 2013, Valdosta, GA.
Amy Ellison and Jennifer Lautzenheiser present posters.
Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy, August 23-24, 2013, Savannah, GA.
Amy L. Ellison presented the session “Overconfident and Overwhelmed: Examining Research Anxiety in Millennial First-year Undergraduates."
Georgia Council of Media Organizations (Ga COMO) Conference, October 9-11, 2013, Macon, GA.
Chris Baker, Jessica Logan, and Steve Thomas presented the session “Bringing it Home: Using Online Tools and Social Media to Connect Staff to Professional Conferences."
Michael Holt presented the session “Making Makerspaces Work in the Academic Library.”
Virginia Feher, Julie Higbee, Kyle McCarrell, Amanda Nash, Peter Shipman presented the session “… And the Two Shall Be Made One: Consolidation and Academic Libraries in Georgia.”
Cynthia Horne and Bonnie Morris presented the session “Planning and Implementing a Successful Traveling Exhibition—Cooperative Exhibition Projects.”
Bethany Havas presented the session “Web Analytics for All Y’all.”
Amy Burger presented the session “Give Your Website a User Experience Makeover.”
Ariel Turner, Benji Barton, Lindsay Cronk, and Melissa Perez presented the session “Practical Outreach” Best Practices for Engaging Your Community.”
Chris Sharpe presented the session “From the PINES Grew a Mighty Forest: The Evolution and Growth of the Evergreen Open Source ILS.”
Eli Arnold, Rita Spisak, Sandra Barcclay, Linda Golian-Lui, Jon Hansen, Michael Luther, Cheryl Stile, and Jennifer Stucliffe Young presented the session “Paying It Forward… And Backward.”
Virginia Feher, Kim Boyd, Chris Sharpe, and Autumn Johnson presented the session “Finding a Professional Librarian Position in a Competitive Job Market.”
Eleanor Kinlaw-Ross presented the session “Library Marketing and Strategic Partnerships: A Blueprint for Success.”
Denise Dimsdale presented the session “Course Conten in D2L: Open and Closed.”
Dr. Lynn Futch, Guy Leach, Chris Palazzolo, Olga Russov, and Amy Bursi presented the session “A Learning Curve: Lessons Learned Driving Along the PDA Path.”
Lynn Futch presented the session “In a Galazy Far Far Away…Lives Your Distance Educatoin Students.”
Brandy Horne and Jennifer Harris presented the session “Crunching Numbers, Eating Glass: Making Library Assessment More Palatable.”
Michael Law presented the session “Paraprofessional Division Presention and Business Meeting.”
Kathleen Holcomb presented the session “Finding Your Way through ILL for Those with Little Experience or Mentoring.”
Brandy Horne presented the session “Long Distance Library Support: Making the Relationship Work.”
Jennifer Duke, and Gordon Baker presented the session “Library Book Sales.”
GA COMO Poster Presentations
Robyn Hurst, Jessica Wilson, and Amber Brock presented the poster “The Libbys: Awards to promote Faculty Involvement.”
GA COMO Paper Presentations
Eli Arnold presented the paper “Assessing Assessment: The Challenge of Proving Worth in Library Instruction Programs.”
Michael Law presented the paper “Archival Education: An Overview and Comparison of the Types of Archivist Training.”
Ariel Turner presented the paper “Ilibraries: Maintaining Relevancy in a Mobile World.”
Bonnie Parker presented the poster “Outreach: Get them In and Get Them to Stay."
Online Lifeline Instructional Technology & Learning Conference, February 16-17, 2012, Valdosta, GA.
Elizabeth Dill created a social media page for the conference.
Michael Holt presented a poster-demonstration entitled "Vtext: Showcasing VSU's Research."
Georgia Council of Media Organizations (Ga COMO) / Southeastern Library Association (SELA) Conference, October 3-5, 2012, Macon, GA.
Chris Baker, Jessica Logan, and Steve Thomas presented the session “Bringing it Home: Using Online Tools and Social Media to Connect Staff to Professional Conferences.”.
Lindsay Cronk presented the session “Brave New LibGuide: An Analytical Approach to LibGuide Design and Best Practices.”Amy Burger and Bonnie Morris presented the session “Reference Service: Traditional Desk or Something Else.”
Laura Wright, Elizabeth Barwick, and Deb Van Petten presented the session “Student Workers at the Reference Desk: Effective Training and Asessment.”
Amy Glover presented the session “Relating to Relational Databases.”
Stuart Temples presented the session “Digitized Georgia – Preservation and Access Discussion.”
Lori Gwinett, Sheila Devaney, and Kathy Turton presented the session “It’s Your America! What Are You Going to Do With It? Using the 1940 Census….”
Christopher Sharpe and Hallie Pritchett presented the session “Join the GIIG:GLA Government Information Interest Meeting.”
Christopher Sharpe, LuMarie Guth, Hallie Pritvhett, and Paula Webb presented the session “Navigating the New AFF: American FactFinder.”
Cynthia Horne and Brandon Gipson presented the session “Small Collections = Big Impact.”
Kathy Bradshw and Wanda Brown presented the session “Cultural Competence in the Library Workplace.”
Khyle Hannan presented the session “Five Years Later: What We Learned from a Library Renovation.”
Brandy Horne, and Kell Carpenter presented the session “Building an Exceptional Student Staff.”
Michael Law, Haley Cox, Denita Hampton, Laura Herndon, and Laura Veatch presented the session “Cross-Training for the Front Lines.”
Lori Gwinett, Dr. Fayth Parkes, and Lisa Smith presented the session “Under Pressure: Work-related Stress in Academic Libraries.”Brandy Horne, Dana Casper, April Warren, and Ann Stubrud William presented the session “The New Professionals.”
Virginia Feher, and Russell Palmer presented the session “Changed Ahead: OCLC WorldShare Platforms & ILL.”
Virginia Feher, Ruta Abolins, Charles Bennett, Ameet Doshi, and Sarah Steiner presented the session “How Cool is that Job? Oour Changing Role.”
Virginia Feher, Kimberly Boyd, Ashley Dupuy, Suzannah Lipscomb, and Margaret Swansonpresented the session “Finding a Library job (When You Have No Experience): Lessons Learned.”
Gordon Baker and Jennifer Duke presented the session “Having a Book Sale at Your Library Intended Audience: Multiple Library Types.”
Dept. of Library and Information Studies
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