Dr. Martinez, with Outstanding Students

Dr. Martinez, with Outstanding Students


Alyssa Caspary (left), Outstanding Student in Office Administration  & Technology, with Dr. Willis (right)

15Rebecca Rusk

Rebecca Rusk (left), Outstanding Online Student in Office Administration &
and Outstanding Online ACED Undergraduate Student
Dr. Willis (right)

Rebecca Rusk with Associate Dean Don Leech

Rebecca Rusk (left), Dewar COEHS Highest Academic Achievement Award,
with Associate Dean Dr. Leech (right)

15Donna Hendley

Donna Hendley (left), Outstanding Student in Human Capital Performance,
with Dr. Willis (right) 

15Blondeen Baggett

Blondeen Baggett (left), Outstanding Student in Workforce Ed. & Development
(T&D Option), with Dr. Willis (right) 

15Matthew Lindsey

Matthew Lindsey (left), Outstanding Student in Workforce Ed. & Development
(CTE Option), with Dr. Willis (right) 

15Renita Luck

Renita Luck (left), Outstanding Student in the Master's Program,
with Dr. Willis (right)


15Jenna Willcox 

Jenna Willcox (left), Outstanding Student in the Master's Program, 
with Dr. Willis (right)

15Kayano Bell

Kayano Bell (left), Outstanding ACED Doctoral Student, with Dr. Willis (right)