(including all graduate degrees, programs for initial of certification of other school professionals and advanced educator certification)

Admission to Program (Graduate School)

The appeals process is initiated by completing Graduate School Admission Denial Appeal Form and presenting it to your program’s Department Head, along with a letter describing the circumstances of your appeal. The appeals process is then required to proceed to the  Dean of the College and Graduate Dean of the Graduate School (see appeal form). Please refer to the Graduate School’s policy for appealing your admissions denial.

Program Dismissal

The appeals process is initiated by completing Graduate School Dismissal Appeal Form and presenting it to your program’s Department Head, along with a letter describing the circumstances of your appeal. The appeals process is then required to proceed to the  Dean of the College and Graduate Dean of the Graduate School (see appeal form). Please refer to the Graduate School’s policy for appealing your dismissal.


Grade Appeal

The appeals process is initiated by first informally discussing the issue with the instructor responsible for the grade assigned (see VSU Grade Appeal form for possible grounds for an appeal). If the matter is not resolved, the student should complete a VSU Grade Appeal Form and present it to the instructor. If the matter is not resolved, the appeal shall continue as follows (see Grade Appeal Form):

  • Instructor’s Department Head
  • Dean of the College—Appeals are remanded to the Graduate and Advanced Educator Preparation Program Appeals Committee for recommendation

NOTE: All grade appeals must be initiated within 30 working days after the registrar’s office has posted final grades. 


Other Matters
(may include but are not limited to faculty member concerns, advisement, unavailable/closed courses, course conflicts, field placement assignments, COEHS Concern forms, etc.)

Appeals for most other concerns are initiated by first discussing the matter with the appropriate staff member. If the matter is not resolved, the student should complete a COEHS Appeal Form and present it to the appropriate staff member. Additional appeals shall continue as follows:

  • Appropriate Department Head
  • Dean of the College—depending on the nature of the concern, some appeals may be remanded to the Graduate and Advanced Preparation Appeals Committee for recommendation
  • Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs