Renowned Japanese Journalist to Address Long-Term Elder Care
October 18, 2010
Renowned Japanese Journalist to Address Long-Term Elder Care
VALDOSTA -- The Division of Social Work invites Professor
Takamitsu Iwaishi of Tokyo to speak about Japan’s preventative
approach to the influx in elder care patients. The renowned
journalist and social worker will speak during a brown bag
colloquium from 11:45-1p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 21, in the Student
Union, Room 1A & B, on the third floor.
Of Japan’s 130 million people, the proportion of elderly residents
-- aged 65 or older -- will reach 40 percent by 2050, putting
enhanced burden on the health care system. Iwaishi will speak about
the public long-term care insurance system Japan established in
2000 to provide home rehabilitation services, day care services,
and short-term nursing homes stays.
“According to a recent survey, 61 percent of the Japanese believe
that Long Term Care Insurance (LTCI) provides a valuable public
support system for the elderly,” said Dr. Marty Giddings. “Far too
many of elderly in the U.S. end up in long-term health care
facilities because they cannot remain in their own homes. Mr.
Iwaishi will discuss the history and characteristics of the system
and its future implications.”
Iwaishi’s explanation of his homeland’s health care issues and
overview of the response system could aid the U.S. in evaluation of
its own problematic issues, Giddings said. The Trustee at the Japan
Medical and Science Communicator Association will also speak with
students during two sociology classes on Wednesday. He will address
his culture’s changing belief system toward elder care.
An adjunct faculty member at Tokyo Medical and Dental University,
Iwaishi comes to VSU on behalf of Dr. Hanae Kanno, who joined VSU’s
Division of Social Work in the fall. Kanno said her friend plans to
meet with South Georgia Medical Center administrators as well as
hospice and nursing homes for an article about health care in the
U.S., with a particular focus on South Georgia.
For more information about Iwaishi or the colloquium, call the
Division of Social Work at 229-249-4864.J
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