Valdosta State University and University System of Georgia receives$4.4 million to launch initiative to meet state teacher shortage
November 20, 2002
Valdosta State University and University System of Georgia receives$4.4 million to launch initiative to meet state teacher shortage
The University System of Georgia (USG) in partnership with
Valdosta State University (VSU) has received two grants totaling
$4.4 million from the U. S. Department of Education (DOE) to launch
the ?Destination Teaching: Customized Pathways to Get You There?
The initiative, which will initially target people who want to
change careers and move into teaching, is designed to help meet the
state's increasing need for teachers.
A study by the Professional Standards Commission (Status Report
2001), estimates that Georgia's schools will need an additional
11,180 teachers by 2006, due in part to recent increases in the
number of students in Georgia's classrooms and in the number of
teachers reaching retirement age.
In its infancy, the initiative will focus on five populations as
potential candidates for USG teacher-preparation programs: recent
college graduates, mid-career professionals, retired military
personnel, pre-kindergarten and paraprofessionals already teaching
in the classroom.
According to Dr. Tom Reed, acting dean of the College of Education,
VSU will coordinate the Career Opportunities for Paraprofessional
Educators (COPE) program at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College
(ABAC), South Georgia College, Waycross College and the South
Georgia Regional Education Consortium (SGREC).
COPE is a program designed by VSU, ABAC, South Georgia College,
Waycross College, Regional Education Service Agencies (RESAs), and
school districts to assist paraprofessionals in obtaining a
bachelor's degree in education.
Reed said COPE is a three-phase plan that targets
paraprofessionals, who work in close proximately to one of the
three two-year institutions or VSU and want to further their
professional careers in education.
The first phase is a paraprofessional certificate program that
allows the paraprofessional to complete 30 hours towards a
bachelor's degree in early childhood education, funded through the
state's HOPE Grant.
In the second phase, students will begin working on their associate
degree at ABAC, Waycross College, South Georgia College or SGREC.
Those students who maintain a ?B? average will be eligible for the
HOPE Scholarship.
In the third stage, students can remain at one of the three
two-year colleges or VSU and complete a bachelor's degree in early
childhood education.
?This program would not be possible without the positive
relationship that already exists between Valdosta State University
and our partner two-year institutions,? Reed said. ?Collaboration
is essential so that we can assure that all paraprofessionals in
the program will receive the support needed to be successful
throughout their studies.?
Students will be assigned a mentor, within their school districts,
to provide ongoing support and assistance and receive tutorial
assistance throughout the program in their school, at the RESAs,
and at their two-year college or VSU.
?These mentors will be former paraprofessionals who have gone
through the ranks and received their teaching certificate and
understand the challenges and barriers associated with completing
their bachelor's degree,? Reed said. ?Additionally, tutorial
assistance will provide additional instruction in reading, writing
and/or mathematics to help the students achieve in their college
The five-year federal grants will fund several initial priorities
of the teacher-preparation recruitment initiative. The University
System will create a Teacher Career Center to market and provide
information about USG teacher preparation and professional
development programs through ?one-stop shopping.? Career counselors
will be available at the Teacher Career Center and at participating
campuses to help potential teachers select and enroll in
appropriate USG programs. Scholarships will be awarded to aspiring
teachers who commit to working in high-need schools.
The partnership between VSU and the USG will use the $4.4 million
in grant funds to pilot the initiative in six regions of the state.
Participating USG campuses have formed partnership with selected
school districts in their region to supply teachers for high-need
schools. A total of 27 school districts are participating in the
teacher preparation recruitment initiative. University System pilot
institutions in each region are as follows:
* Albany State University and Bainbridge College
* Armstrong Atlantic State University and Coastal Georgia Community
* Georgia State University and Georgia Perimeter College
* Columbus State University and Georgia Southwestern State
* Georgia Southern University and East Georgia College
* Valdosta State University, Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College,
Waycross College and South Georgia College
?It is important to note that this grant will be most helpful in
targeting those individuals who have the potential for excellence
in teaching,? said Dr. Louis Levy, vice president for Academic
Affairs. ?Retaining such teachers will empower our students to
reach their full educational potential.?
Information sessions outlining COPE will be available to interested
paraprofessionals in their local school district during the months
of January through March 2003. Summer workshops will be offered at
the two-year colleges and VSU to prepare paraprofessionals for fall
2003 classes. For more information about COPE, contact Maggie
Roberts at 229?333?5925.
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