Courtesy Placements
Students from other institutions may occasionally request to complete their clinical practice/internship within the VSU service area; if this is the case, they may request that a VSU faculty member supervise their clinical practice/internship experience. The following guidelines apply:
1. The request for a courtesy placement must originate from the student’s home institution.
2. The appropriate representative from the student’s home institution must contact the Office of Professional Education Services at (229) 253-2998 to make the request.
3. The department head of the department at VSU which would supervise the teacher candidate/intern must agree to accept the student for supervision. A number of factors enter into this decision: faculty availability, faculty loads, travel considerations, etc.
4. Students will register for clinical practice/internship credit through their home institutions. However, in cases where students request to transfer to VSU to complete their programs, they must meet VSU program requirements.
5. For a teacher candidate being supervised by VSU as a courtesy placement, there is a charge of up to $800. For an intern being supervised by VSU as a courtesy placement, there is a charge of up to $800 each semester. Checks made payable to Valdosta State University must be presented to the Office of Clinical Experiences and Certification at least one week prior to the beginning of the semester in which the clinical practice/internship will be completed.
Office of Professional Education Services
301 Baytree Road
Valdosta, GA 31698 -
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta, GA 31698 - Phone: 229.219.3535