Section III. Addressing Reports of Student Sexual Misconduct
Once an individual makes a complaint, receives notice that a complaint has been made against him or her, or the Title IX Coordinator otherwise learns of a complaint of sexual misconduct, the complainant, respondent and alleged victim (where applicable) will receive written information about support services, such as counseling, advocacy, housing assistance, academic support, disability services, health and mental health services, and legal services that are available on campus. Students can receive confidential counseling services on-campus through the VSU Counseling Center at no charge. In addition, the VSU Counseling Center can provide direct referrals to community based organizations that provide additional services and support.
Information about support services will be provided regardless as to whether an individual elects to go forward with filing a formal complaint of sexual misconduct or with notifying law enforcement. Information on support services will also be provided to students and employees regardless of where the alleged misconduct occurs.
Interim measures may be taken at any point after the institution becomes aware of an allegation of sexual misconduct and should be designed to protect the alleged victim and the community. Before an interim suspension is issued, the institution must make all reasonable efforts to give the respondent the opportunity to be heard consistent with the provisions in Appendix B. Section III. H. of the Student Code of Conduct.
C. Jurisdiction
Valdosta State University will take necessary and appropriate action to protect the safety and well-being of its community. Accordingly, sexual misconduct allegedly committed by a student will be addressed when such misconduct occurs on University property or at University-sponsored or affiliated events, or off-campus when the misconduct otherwise violates the VSU Student Code of Conduct.
D. Advisors
Both the alleged victim and respondent, as parties to the matter, shall have the opportunity to use an advisor (who may or may not be an attorney) of the party’s choosing at the party’s own expense for the expressed purpose of providing advice and counsel, pursuant to the provisions of Appendix B. Section IV. A.3 of the Student Code of Conduct.
Allegations of sexual misconduct may be resolved informally, without a determination of misconduct, if all of the following are met:
- When complainant(s) and respondent agree to an informal resolution.
- When the initial allegation could not result in expulsion.
- When the complainant(s) and respondent(s) agree to the terms of the informal resolution.
- When the investigator concludes that informal resolution is in the best interest of the parties and the institution’s community.
The alleged victim(s) and respondent(s) have the option to end informal resolution discussions and request a formal process at any time before the terms of an informal resolution are reached. However, matters resolved informally shall not be appealable.
Student Conduct & Title IX
Student Health Center, 2nd Floor
200 Georgia Avenue
Valdosta, Georgia 31698 -
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta, GA 31698 - Phone: 229.333.5409