Dr. Shelly Yankovskyy

Dr. Shelly Yankovskyy
Nevins Hall Room 1123


I am a cultural anthropologist specializing in medical anthropology, specifically mental health, using ethnographic research methods and a biocultural approach.  I received my PhD from the University of Tennessee in Spring 2013.  My research thus far has been primarily in Ukraine, with secondary and future research interests in the United States. The focus of my dissertation research was an ethnographic analysis of the political-economic dimensions of the mental health system in post-socialist Ukraine.  My findings focus on issues associated with the intersection of Global Mental Health and Neoliberal rhetoric from varying vantage points.  My Master’s level researched focused on the mental health system in the U.S., specifically in Tampa Florida where I attended the University of South Florida.  I am currently engaging with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) through research in the classroom.  Although my primary area of research in is Anthropology, I have additional expertise in Sociology as well.   

Courses I have taught include: Introduction to Anthropology, Medical Anthropology, Magic, Religion, and Witchcraft, Physical Anthropology, Anthropological Theory, Anthropological Methods, Indians of North America, Introduction to Sociology, Medical Sociology, Sociological Theory, Sociological Methods