b'Department of Teacher EducationThe Life Science Content Knowledge and Scientific Skills Students in Georgia K-5 Settings Learn across the GradesJessica L. Smith, Faith N. Pearson, and Carmen JuarezSponsor: Dr. Regina SurielGeorgia science teachers are expected to teach the Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) to provide K-12 students opportunities to learn science (National Research Council, 2012). Developing preservice science teachers understanding of the GSE is important so that they may develop effective instruction. The focus of this practitioner research is on identifying the life science content knowledge and scientific skills students in Georgia K-5 settings are expected to learn across the grades. In fact, according to Contreras, Arredondo, Diaz, Inostroza and Strickland (2020), when given appropriate opportunities to examine the content standards such as the GSE, preservice teachers planned curriculum in more detail compared to in-service teachers. This research finding suggests that preservice teachers targeted practices with identifying core ideas and practices embedded in the GSE needs supporting so that they may plan curriculum better. The authors carefully examined K-5 GSE in life science to determine the pacing of content knowledge and growth of scientific skills, and to identify resources for both students and teachers to further develop and design science curricula. Moreover, as suggested by Santos and Castro (2021), this presentation showcases our technological pedagogical content knowledge by integrating a new and engaging application for virtual classrooms.65'