b'Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal JusticeHow Being One in a Million Leads to DepressionEmani SawyerSponsor : Dr. Elis LoganThe focal point of my research is on how individuality correlates with depression when in regard to social media usage. The first stage of my research includes pulling from the National Human Genome Research Institution on human variation in the field of genetics, making clear that race is not a biological phenomenon and that there is little human variation across the world; as well as consulting biology textbooks using basic scientific aspects of our species that showcase our vast similarities. The next stage would be to incorporate other genres of study such as Sociology, Anthropology, and Psychology. Specifically, I would study sociological theories on socialism, the looking glass self, and social currents/waves. Then in anthropology, I will assess theories such as enculturation, schema theory, and symbolic interactionism. Lastly, in Psychology, I would assess things such as top-down processing theory, absolute thresholds, and the need for generalizability in their research. I will do this with the hopes of illustrating the basics of human action and how it is tied to our environment, what we are taught, and from those, what we assume; all of which allude to 100% individuality being unattainable in its purest form. The final stage would be the incorporation of statistics of social media usage and depression, assessing their correlation then pinpointing the probable causes which, in this case, I would argue to be the lack/excess of societys view of individuality. I will utilize prior work from the American Psychological Association to frame my analysis of the role of individuality as it pertains to depressive symptoms common to social media users.63'