b'Blessed or StressedElizabeth R. RiveraSponsor: Dr. Shelly Yankovskyy, Department of AnthropologyClinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency is a relatively recent theory/diagnosis which has been posited as the underlying cause of various conditions such as migraines, fibromyalgia, and even irritable bowel syndrome.As a result of this deficiency or chemical imbalance, it is postulated that the body is left unable to cope with stress and subsequent health issues arise. In the experience of this researcher, doctors are either unaware of this deficiency or are hesitant to diagnose it. Treatment of this deficiency can be difficult as many insurance companies will not cover the cost of it. The goal of this research then will be to explore Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency and the challenges that those with the deficiency may face as well as to provide anecdotal data from the researchers own illness narrative. Intersectionality Between Race and GenderSarah K. WigginsSponsor: Dr. A. J. Ramirez, Department of SociologyIt is known that gender and race discrimination are prominent problems in our society. Theyre also heavily intertwined and studying the intersection of these two types of discrimination will help in understanding the complexity of the prejudices these individuals face. Gender refers to the symbolism of masculinity and femininity in the context of cultural and social differences rather than biological sex differences. This term can also be applied when describing a range of identities that are not limited to male and female, such as cisgender, intersex, or genderqueer. Race is a concept that groups people into categories based on distinguishing social and physical characteristics and qualities. These are both social constructs in which our society gives us identity but, unfortunately, these identities make way for labeling and stereotyping. This research will be examining the intersectionality of gender and race and how each of these interacts to disadvantaged individuals. This project will focus on the gender roles within African American, Asian American, and Caucasian males and females and will compare and contrast the different obstacles they face. Ultimately, the goal of this project is to shed light on the oppression these individuals face due to their differences in race and gender.96'