How to Report a Sexual Assault


An individual who experiences sexual assault has several reporting options to consider. It is always the individual’s choice as to whether to report. An incident may be reported to the Student Conduct Office or to the appropriate law enforcement agency, or both. The criminal investigation and the campus investigation regarding violation of the Student Code of Conduct are conducted independently, occurring simultaneously or sequentially, on a case-by-case basis.

Any sexual misconduct can be reported to one of the following:

Reporting to the Police 
Time is of the essence when a sexual assault has occurred. The sooner the assault is reported, the easier it is to collect valuable evidence. If reported to the police, a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner can conduct a Rape Protocol Exam (rape kit). In order to preserve physical evidence of sexual violence, it is advised not to urinate, shower/bathe, douche, brush teeth, or wash clothing (unless they are certain they do not intend to report the incident to police). Any clothing worn at the time of the incident should be stored in a paper bag and taken to the hospital. If the use of rape drugs is suspected, ask that a urine sample be collected and preserved as evidence. Physical evidence for a criminal prosecution cannot be collected without a report being made to the police. After 120 hours, the Rape Protocol Exam cannot be conducted, but a police report can be filed.  If physical violence has occurred, contact the police to file a report. Documenting incidents of relationship violence is very important when working within the legal system.

Reporting to University Officials 
To file a complaint, contact the Student Conduct Office/Dean of Students’ Office at (229) 333-5941. Reporting sexual assault to the Student Conduct Office can begin the University’s investigation of the issue and serves as a form of official documentation of the incident. The Conduct Office will then explain the disciplinary process and options as described in Appendix B of the Student Code of Conduct. A finding of responsibility regarding sexual violence by this process will be considered a code violation. Disciplinary sanctions for violations of this policy include but are not limited to, the following measures: expulsion, disciplinary suspension, disciplinary probation, reprimand, and restrictions.  This link will take you to the  Sexual Misconduct Report Form

University Policy

Sexual Misconduct and Title IX