b'Department of Nursing and Health SciencesTeenage Abortions:the lack of knowledgeLauren A. BurkhalterSponsor: Ms. Parker, MSN, RNAbortions are a common procedure in the United States of America, and teenagers are utilizing them more as time goes by. Countless physical and psychological risks accompany an abortion procedure, and often women are not aware of these risks prior to undergoing the procedure. As a result, they are not prepared to handle them when they manifest themselves. Studies have shown that the human body is not fully developed physically, mentally, or emotionally until the age of twenty-one. Therefore, women under the age of twenty-one who undergo an abortion procedure are at a much higher risk of developing physical and psychological complications from the procedure. Based on the ease of access for young women desiring an abortion, the percentage of teenagers who suffer from post-abortion complications is greater than it has been in the past. With teenage pregnancy rates continuing to remain high, it is vital that teenagers be forewarned of the risks so that they can be addressed early to prevent worsening complications.Department of Physics, Astronomy,Geosciences, and Engineering TechnologyVisibility of Saturns Moons Dependingon Weather Conditions and EquipmentSam A. PanzicaSponsor: Dr. LeakeAstronomers have always been commonly frustrated when the visibility is bad during a night full of hopeful observations. Night sky visibility can be affected by a variety of things, some of these include: light pollution, seeing conditions, weather conditions, landscape and even other celestial bodies. The use of more advanced equipment can also affect how well you will be able to see your object. For this project, Saturn was studied through a 6 reflector and a 16 Cassegrain reflecting telescope. Saturn has historically, always been a fascinating object. This gas giants rings have consistently been a spectacle to catch through a telescope. Though Saturn is a wonderful object to view through ground-based telescopes, its moons are just as fascinating. Saturns current moon count is 82, however the top five brightest moons of Saturn are Titan, Rhea, Dione, Tethys, and Enceladus. Each observation night, I will be counting the number of Saturns moons visible each night and keeping track of which moons I am seeing. The point of this project is to observe Saturn through two different telescopes during multiple different nights and observe the difference in visibility in comparison to the weather conditions of that observing night.43'