b'McKinleys Assassination and American Anarchism36Hannah S. Stanley, Department of HistoryMurderous Mothers: Postpartum Psychosis and The Yellow Wall-paper35 Georgia J. Wynn, Department of EnglishParticle Dynamics Through the Earth: A Study of Non-Zero47 Tunnel DiametersWalker Hayes, Department of Physics, Astronomy, Geosciences, and Engineering TechnologyPerceptions of GMOs at Valdosta State University 57Samantha Duerring, Departments of Biology and SociologyPopulation Growth Model vs. Covid-19 Pandemic39Katherine M. Demo and Nicole M. Demmons, Department of MathematicsSoftware Implementation of Wordle and its Variations31 Nathaniel D. Bare, Department of Computer Science Stigmatizing Sexuality: Public Support for Restrictions59 on Blood Donation for Sexually Active Gay MenBrandon S. Booker, Department of Sociology, Anthropology,and Criminal JusticeStyrene Cyclopropanation with Ethyl Diazoacetate24(EDA) using Wild-Type Hemoglobin as a BiocatalystEstefani Quinones, Department of ChemistrySupporting Adult Learners Online Engagement through12 Next Generation Digital Learning EnvironmentsPeter O. Burgin, Adult Career EducationTeenage Abortions: the lack of knowledge42 Lauren A. Burkhalter, Department of NursingThe Conspicuous Criticism of the Aristocracy40 in Francisco Goyas PaintingsLaura A. Cartwright, Department of Modern and Classical LanguagesThe Importance of Robotics in Distribution Centers44 Amy Lucia Evans, Department of Physics, Astronomy,Geosciences, and Engineering TechnologyThe Missionary vs. Her Movie36 Hannah M. Clark, Department of HistoryThe Mummy: An Analysis of Egyptomania and How Ancient35 Egypt is Portrayed in The Mummy FranchiseCassidy Weaver, Department of HistoryThe Resilience and Strength of the Indigenous42and Latin American PeoplesAbigail E. Vincent, Department of Political Science3'