

Most of the formal efforts to survey mammals will occur at night.
On Friday evening, Dr. Brad Bergstrom of VSU will be using the Echo Meter Touch 2 ultrasonic bat detection system to identify evening foraging bats. He will have a few additional units. If you want to try it out with your iPhone or iPad, download the free App from the App store (from Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.).
Evidence of other nocturnal mammals will be capturing using spot lights and eye shines (see below) and with wildlife cameras. Public participants with wildlife cameras are encouraged to set their camera’s up across the Grassy Pond Recreation Area on Friday evening. A team will be available on Friday evening to help identify good locations for set-up, and on Saturday for review of the footage. Please share this call, so we can cover the site with cameras.

Eye shine colors

Deer - whitish green
Dog - green
Coyote - yellowish green (unlikely we spot one)
Raccoon – yellow amber
Opossum-whitish pink
Rodents - Red
Red fox - red orange
Rabbits - red
Grey fox - red
Bobcats - yellow amber