Dr. Crystal Edwards Portrait

Dr. Crystal Edwards

Adjunct Professor

  • Ph.D., Africana Studies
    University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • M.A., Educational Policy
    University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • B.S., Political Science with minor in African American Studies
    University of Houston

Crystal Edwards graduated from the Department of Africology with a Ph.D. in Africana Studies and a graduate certificate in Educational Policy from the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. Generally, her work has centered the subjective experience of African descended people throughout the Diaspora, specifically those in the United States. Dr. Edwards has specifically sought to make visible the intersectional realities of African American women and girls, in their own voices.

For three years’ post-doc, Dr. Edwards was a visiting professor in the African American Studies Department at the University of Houston. In that capacity, she had the opportunity to develop and design courses, engage in student development, and lead students in academic extracurricular activities. While Dr. Edwards has taught at the collegiate level for the past seven years; She has expanded her work into administration. Currently, she has been working with Prairie View A & M University to develop their Women’s Initiative and Residential College program to aid in ensuring an equitable, diverse, and inclusive campus culture.

It is Dr. Edwards position that education should serve a much larger objective than merely disseminating information. As an educator, she has a social responsibility of fostering learning that leads to individual critical thinking that ultimately improves lives and encourages change. Dr. Edwards scholarship, teaching, and consulting work remain aligned with fulfilling her goal of contributing to the world in a positive and meaningful way.