Caitlin Jarriel Portrait

Caitlin Jarriel

Academic Advisor

  • B.A. Sociology
    Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA (2018)

Year I started working at VSU: I started working at Valdosta State University in 2018

Why I love advising: 

Hometown: Valdsota, Georgia

Hobbies/instersts: I love sports, painting, and traveling

Fun facts: I am actually from Baltimore, Maryland but I have lived in Valdosta for the majority of my life, which is why I consider it my hometown!

Why VSU: The connections I made with people wihile I was doing my undergrad is the main reason I wanted to work here. I love the stamosphere that VSU has and thankful to call it my home!

Areas/Programs I advise: Honors and Exploratory students


    University Center, Room 1221