Letter from the Department Head

Welcome to the Chemistry Department. This website is to assist current and potential students answer their Academic questions. From here you can get to our faculty and staff list, programs and student information.
The Chemistry Department offers several tracks or programs of study designed to meet each student's career goals. The department offers a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry with two tracks from which to choose and a pre-pharmacy program for students interested in applying to a pharmacy program. Our program is approved by the American Chemical Society (ACS).
We provide student organizations that allow our Chemistry majors an opportunity to interactact with their own peers outside of class, allow them an opportunity to network with professionals in their area of interest, and perform community services.
To contact us please use the contact button in the bottom left corner of the left hand navigation bar.
Main Office:
3025 Bailey Science Center
kwinkelmann@valdosta.edu -
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta, GA 31698 - Phone: 229.333.5798